Integrity Code consultation

Let’s work together to make sport and recreation safer and fairer

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Share your feedback

Integrity Code consultation

The Integrity Code is designed to prevent and address harm in sport and recreation. Your feedback will help us make sure it addresses the issues you care about.

Opens 23 September 2024

Find information on the Integrity Code consultation

From 23 September to 1 November, you can have your say on the draft Integrity Code in our public consultation. Your contribution to this mahi will help us make sure that the Integrity Code can protect everyone involved in sport and recreation.

About the Integrity Code

Find out more about the code and what it covers

Explainers and resources

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Integrity Code consultation

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SADR consultation

SADR consultation

Rules around doping in sport aim to keep sport fair for everyone involved. New Zealand's Sports Anti-Doping Rules (the Rules) give effect to the World Anti-Doping Code in NZ. Most national sports organisations in this country have adopted them.

Opens 23 September 2024